Friday, 30 October 2009

A loving spoonful

Our kitchen is a hive of cottage industry! The understairs cupboard is filled with jars of home pickled onions. On top of the fridge is a huge bowl of home made mincemeat, from which I take much pleasure in stirring every time I pass. Their is a huge pan bubbling on the cooker, filling the air with wonderful aromas, apple, onion and vinegar. My eyes are stinging and my throat is sore.

But I love it!

We really are doing well with our Christmas gifts. Anyone who recieves a gift from Philip and myself should know that much love was put into the making of it and much fun and satisfaction was taken from it. I only hope that each and every recipient will enjoy eating or using their gifts as much as we have enjoyed making it.

I am trying out so many new crafts this year, I only hope I am capable delivering the goods. I wonder if Santa Clause and his helpers have as much fun whilst making their gifts! I think our job is easier though because we are giving what we think our loved ones will enjoy. Santa has to make his gifts to order.

Appologies for writing about the festive season so early. In the past I have not even wanted to hear the word "Christmas" till Decmber is upon us, but this year I am happily making plans, writing lists and making gifts. Although when it comes to my two grown up sons I have to admit I am completely stumped. Oh well I have got time to come up with the perfect gift.


  1. Hi Julie,
    What you have posted all seems so really nice. The fun and the love that the both of you have put into the creation of your Christmas gifts; is testimony that you are trying to make Christmas that little bit extra special for all those who receive such a gift of thought and kindness.
    I am so pleased for you and for Philip. I see your ongoing journey together as a wondrous place of peace and harmony.
    With respect and admiration, your friend, Gary X

  2. Thank you Gary, and I do apologise for the constant references to the dreade Boxing day eve. X

  3. Can't wait for christmas and receiving your yummy gifts (hopefully). Wish i had your creative talents! Be boring old gifts from me as usual!

  4. Well we have more surprises in store for your pressie, I must be careful not to write all about it in a blog!

    And your gifts are never boring and always received with pleasyre. X

  5. I can't wait to taste your goodies
    Yum, Yum

    X X X

  6. Those of us across the pond will be content to drool over whatever pictures you post... and happy words you share. So post a lot!! X

  7. Well Dixie those on this side of the pond may have to be content to drool over pictures too. We have just sampled some our "gifts" and we are rather partial to them, we may just eat them all. LOL. XX
